CAFOs in our areaMap
showing CAFO air emissions impacting Hudson area on
one day, April 14, 2005 Six of the industrial dairies/heifer operations in this area are located in the River Raisin Watershed, which outlets into Lake Erie at Monroe, MI. Seven dairies/swine operations are in Bean/Tiffin Watershed which outlets into Lake Erie at Toledo, OH. Liquid manure from these facilities is also applied in the nearby St. Joseph River Watershed, another Lake Erie watershed. Liquid manure has polluted streams in all three of these watersheds Stretches of the Bean/Tiffin Watershed and of the River Raisin Watershed are on Michigan's 303(d) list of impaired waterways, because of liquid manure discharges, E. coli bacteria contamination, excess nutrient contamination, and other water quality problems.