















Research, Studies on CAFOs, Water Quality, Air Quality, Risks to Public Health

Click here for ECCSCM hand-out on books, films, websites related to CAFOs and sustainable alternatives.

Studies on Local CAFOs/Western Lake Erie Watersheds:

International Joint Commission, "A Balanced Diet for Lake Erie; Reducing Phosphorus Loadings and Harmful Algal Blooms," (2014)

Ohio Dept of Ag, DNR, EPA, Lake Erie Commission,"Ohio Lake Erie Phosphorus Task Force Final Report," (2013)

Haack & Duris, USGS, "Chemical and Microbiological Water Quality of Subsurface Agricultural Drains...Upper Tiffin Watershed Southeastern Michigan," (2008)

Horstman, Janelle, BGSU, "The Effects that Liquid Manure and Solid Cattle Manure Have on the Water Quality of Drainage Ditches in Putnam Co, OH," (Honors Project, 2014)

Michigan DEQ, "Total Maximum Daily Load for Escherichia coli for Lime Creek (Prattville Drain and Lime Lake) Hillsdale County, Michigan," (2003)

West, Eastern Michigan University, "Antibiotic Resistance, Gene Transfer, and Water Quality Patterns Observed in Waterways near CAFO Farms and Wastewater Treatment Facilities," Water Air Soil Pollution (2010)


Public Health Readings

Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry (ATSDR), Minnesota Department of Health, “Exposure Investigation: Excel Dairy, Excel Township, Marshall County, Minnesota” (March 2009)

Dungan, R. S. “Fate and transport of bioaerosols associated with livestock operations and manures,” Journal of Animal Science (July 2010)

Duris, J.W., and Beeler, Stephanie, “Fecal-indicator bacteria and Escherichia coli pathogen data collected near a novel sub-irrigation water-treatment system in Lenawee County, Michigan, June–November 2007: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report (2008)

EPA, "Literature Review of Contaminants in Livestock and Poultry Manure and Implications for Water Quality," (2013)

Florida, Jamie, et al. “Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) and High Intensity Animal Production Systems: An Annotated Bibliography” (2008)

Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Toxics Steering Group, CAFO Sub-Committee, “Concentrated Animal Feedlot Operations (CAFOs) Chemicals Associated with Air Emissions” (May 10, 2006)

Rose, Joan, and Rachel Katonak, MSU, "Risks to Human Health Associated with Water and Food Contaminated with Animal Wastes," (2005)

Rose, Joan et al, "Waterborne Pathogens; Where Michigan Stands Now and Recommendations for Our Future," (2007)

Schinasi, Leah, et al. "Air Pollution, Lung Function, and Physical Symptoms in Communities Near Concentrated Swine Feeding Operations" Epidemiology (March, 2011)

West, Bridgett, Eastern Michigan University, "Antibiotic Resistance, Gene Transfer, and Water Quality Patterns Observed in Waterways near CAFO Farms and Wastewater Treatment Facilities," Water Air Soil Pollution (2010)

Williams, D’Ann, et al. “Airborne cow allergen, ammonia and particulate matter at homes vary with distance to industrial scale dairy operations: an exposure assessment,” Environmental Health (August, 2011)


CAFOs and Climate Change Readings

Food & Agriculture Organization of the UN, "Livestock's Long Shadow" - important study of the massive impact of industrialized agriculture on the environment, including climate change (2006).

Robert Goodland and Jeff Anhang, "Livestock and Climate Change," World Watch (2009)

Lin, Brenda,, "Effects of industrial agriculture on climate change and the mitigation potential of small-scale agro-ecological farms," Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources (2011)