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Toledo, Oregon push for stronger Lake Erie protections – Toledo Blade
Toledo, Oregon push for stronger Lake Erie protections
ByTom Henry | BLADE STAFF WRITER Published on Aug. 10, 2018
Toledo and Oregon have become parties to a lawsuit filed by two groups that calls upon U.S. District Judge James G. Carr to order the most comprehensive cleanup strategy for western Lake Erie, known as a total maximum daily load.
The two plaintiffs, the...
Read MoreLake Erie Advocates Urge: Enforce Existing Environmental Laws
NOAA predicts harmful Lake Erie algae bloom – Detroit News
Sarah Rahal, The Detroit News - July 12, 2018
Researchers are predicting possibly toxic algae will form in western Lake Erie this summer, but are expecting the bloom to be less severe than previous ones that contaminated drinking water, officials say.
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration scientists expect this summer's bloom to measure a 6 on...
Read MoreLake Erie Harmful Algal Bloom Bulletin 5-19-18
True color image on 16 May 2018 taken by the MODIS on the NASA Aqua satellite. A plume of sediment from the Maumee River appears in the southwest corner of the lake. Sediment from previous high flow events and strong winds can be seen. No cyanobacteria are present.

Toledo Mayor goes after Farm Bureau and Legislature at Algae Conference
ANN ARBOR — The second and final day of an algae conference here attended by many Great Lakes scientists and policy experts began with some strong accusations by Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz about the agricultural lobby’s influence on state legislators.
“We live in a state where our legislature is a wholly owned subsidiary of the farm bureau,” Mayor...
Read MoreStench compensation: Jury awards hog farm neighbors $50 million (NC)
RALEIGH, NC - The News & Observer; BY ANNE BLYTHE
A North Carolina jury awarded $50 million to neighbors of a 15,000-hog farm in Eastern North Carolina in a case being closely watched across the country by environmentalists and the hog farm industry.
The verdict, revealed late Thursday after a jury deliberated less than...
News from
April 19, 2018
Contact: Mike Ferner 419-729-7273
“Farm Bureau failed in federal court to protect the polluters of Chesapeake Bay, but the Bureau’s loyal agents in Ohio...
Read MoreWhat will Lake Erie’s impairment mean for northwest Ohio?
By Tom Henry, Toledo Blade
Though hailed as a rare victory for environmentalists, the Kasich administration’s reversal on the western Lake Erie impairment issue is only a “key first step” in litigation that may keep the state of Ohio tied up in court for years over cleanup strategies, according to the Chicago-based legal advocacy group that forced the administration’s hand on the...
Read MoreKasich declares Lake Erie’ Open Waters Impaired (Toledo Blade)
The Kasich administration — after years of resistance on behalf of agriculture — announced Thursday it has reversed itself on northwest Ohio’s arguably most contentious water-policy issue and will declare the open waters of western Lake Erie as impaired.
Although details of the impairment designation are still to be worked out, it will invariably mean tighter rules for agriculture and others...
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