Jack Lessenbery will be interviewing an ECCSCM member and others about Michigan and Ohio CAFOs’ industrial waste impact on our region on Friday, July 8 at 8:30 PM on DEADLINE NOW.,This weekly WGTE TV program examines issues that affect the entire Lake Erie West region, Lessenbery will also be interviewing ECCSCM on Wednesday, July 6, and Thursday July 7 on Michigan Radio, 91.7 FM WUOM. Podcasts will be available and posted as soon as they are available.
Over-the-air:HD-30.1 | Family-30.2 | Create-30.3
Channel Guide:
Comcast – Adrian:WGTE Basic Cable-02 | HD-240 | Family-243 | Create-242
Comcast – Ann Arbor:WGTE Basic Cable-12
Comcast – Tecumseh:WGTE Basic Cable-02
Comcast – Monroe:WGTE Basic Cable-10
On Time Warner West Central Ohio:WGTE Basic Cable-08
On Buckeye Cable:WGTE Basic Cable-09 | HD-630 | Family-199 | Create-631
On Time Warner Northwest Ohio:WGTE Basic Cable-03 | HD-703 | Family-97 | Create-96