Dragline Manure Application – multiple days

July 17, 2018

Massive, multiple-day Hudson Dairy-Briskey dragline manure application onto huge harvested wheat field, many tankers one after another filling the dump box, east side of U.S. 127 south of Culbert Rd. (Black boxes to protect privacy of workers.)  Foul air for days after an application like this on a huge field.  What crop are they fertilizing?

U.S. 127 south of Culbert Rd.
Tractor w/applicator and dragline (looks like a black fire hose), pumping equipment, with tankers loaded with manure ready to fill the dump box.

Tankers backed up to the dump box, ready to fill with more livestock sewage.

Tankers backed up to the dump box, ready to fill with more livestock sewage.

Two tankers at a time.

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