We’re deep in the heart of hot, humid, Stench Season, here in CAFO Country. So much rain, so much untreated livestock sewage.
Overheard in grocery store, Onsted, Michigan (“Gateway to the Irish Hills”): “What stinks? Is that cowsh*t? Don’t they ever stop?” Response: “I know, right? I can smell it in my house.”
The wind was coming from the south. About 4 miles south, upwind, NFD (New Flevo Dairy) and Briskey tankers, with a dump box, were hauling liquid manure to this weed field on Onsted Highway, just north of U.S. 223. One tanker after another. Two are lined up here, with another on the way in. Field owned by Waterland Farms (same owners as New Flevo Dairy) and included in New Flevo’s CNMP. (Wallace/Penrod Drains/Hazen Cr./South Branch, Raisin)
Economics multiple choice quiz question. Take a guess.
This field:
A. didn’t get the grain crop planted by June 5 or 15 deadlines, will be submitted for crop insuranceB. will be planted to a grain crop under the prevent plant crop insurance optionC. whatever is growing, or will be soon planted, in this field will be chopped and fed to cattleD. untreated livestock sewage will be dumped on this field whether there’s a cash crop to fertilize or notE. A, C & D aboveF. B, C & D above
The only answer we’re sure of is “D”.