Filth All Around from Dairy CAFOs: Pittsford Township, Hillsdale County, MI

Resident Reports Spreading of Filth in Pittsford Township, MI (Hillsdale County) 10/10/16

Tankers coming and going from Milk Source’ Hudson Dairy (verified by following tankers back to Hudson Dairy) every 2 – 4 minutes from 2pm on way to Hudson until well into evening. 3 tankers at a time were observed on the field between Nye and Elm at 2pm. Continual draglining on north side of M-34 between Nye and Elm. (Photo below)

Untreated waste begin spread by Draglines North Side M34 between Nye and Elm 10-10-16

Untreated waste spread via Draglines North Side M34 between Nye and Elm 10-10-16

Observed 2 tankers spewing black smelly solids/ untreated manure, out of the back end of tankers on south side of  Elm and M-34.  At one point 2 draglines were spreading at the same time. (Photos below).  

Dairy CAFOs Spraying Untreated waste near and south side of M34, Hudson county, Michigan October 10, 2016

Dairy CAFOs Spraying Untreated waste near and south side of M34, Hillsdale County, Michigan October 10, 2016

Summarize Emissions & Untreated Waste applications:

3 huge fields were spread with foul, filthy, untreated
liquid manure at the same time, much of it went into the air, at least a
mile of intense dumping of untreated animal waste on M-34 between
Waldron and Elm.  Neighbors on M-34 and Waldron area impacted by stench; as wind shifts the emissions will impact more.  Air monitor testing time.

Resident Comments: “Stench at our place around 6 pm 10/9/16 when we tried to 
enjoy part of the evening outside after dinner. Forced indoors. That’s 
another $100 they owe us for taking away the use of our property. It was 
awful on M-34 near those hay fields on 10-10-16.”

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