FINALLY! October 31, 2018
After 5 years under a Consent Order, Terrehaven Farms (Hunt Rd., Black Creek/Wolf Creek/Raisin) finally removes one of its many trouble spots!
Long-time viewers will remember runoff incidents to Pineview Dr. residents’ yards (to the east) in 2014 and 2015, pictured here. Red arrows show the source of the runoff coming from the Terrehaven barns and flowing into neighbors’ yards. This farm sites at the edge of the City of Adrian, just upstream of its drinking water reservoir, Lake Adrian.
Here’s an aerial view of the farm, taken in April of 2016. The circle shows the beginning of the runoff pictured in the ground view above, and the arrows show the barns that were the source of much of it. Runoff flows towards the bottom of the picture, into the yards of homes on Pineview Drive as shown above. You can actually see the path it has taken over the years in the photo below. (Yes, that big brown pile is a huge manure pile. Adrian’s Mt. Manure.) Terrehaven’s Administrative Consent Order (from the State of Michigan) mandated that this issue be corrected in 2013 …
… and in 2018, five years later, it was! Below is a ground photo taken 10.31.2018, front round barn has been removed, all that’s left is the concrete pad, and animals removed from the pen behind the silos.
While a multitude of other problems remain at this facility, this is a good first step. But one question remains – what would the consequences be if others chose to continue to violate a Court Order for 5 years?