The Grinch Comes to Lenawee County
Many Grinches, spreading their Christmas manure all over the place.
Manure dump box on Schaffner property, ready to go, for liquid manure dragline operation, north side of M-34 just west of Morey Hwy. Hmm, no crop in the field so nothing to fertilize except Lake Erie (Stony Creek/Raisin)
Part 1 of a Two-fer, Hoffland liquid manure dragline from lagoon, north side of Tomer Rd. just east of Morey Hwy. (Stony Creek/Raisin)
Part 2, farther down the road, Hoffland draglining with incorporation just east of Morey Hwy. on Tomer Rd. (Stony Creek/Raisin). Note the frozen puddles in the field. Nothing to fertilize on this field.
Rice Lake Drain is immediately downstream of the Hoffland application above. Poor Rice Lake Drain – it has two colors: Harmful Algae Green and Manure Brown. (Stony Creek/Raisin)
Here’s what MSU’s Enviroimpact Tool has to say about all of the fields above.
Temps <32 degrees F at 4” depth, high risk of runoff today and for the next few days. Liquid manure applications, incorporated or injected onto tiled fields like these, go immediately down in to the subsurface tile drainage system.
The Grinches are busy today, extra stinky solids application from Legend Dairy at Seneca Hwy. and Mulberry Rd. This one rates a +10 for about a 2-mile radius on the Stench-O-Meter. (Silver Creek/Bean/Tiffin)
Another solids application by Legend Dairy, south side of Mulberry Rd. near the dairy. (Silver Creek/Bean/Tiffin) Another frozen puddle in the field, lower left corner.
Here’s what MSU’s Enviroimpact has to say about the area where these fields are located. Soil temp. <32 deg. F at 4” depth, high runoff risk for the next few days.
Predicted warmup coming.
Merry Christmas, Lake Erie!