Update 9/5/2018:
MDEQ issued a Compliance Communication dated 9.5.2018, describing a tile riser at the northeastern edge of the field and instructing Hartland as follows: “The tile riser collects surface runoff from a large portion of field 60 and will need to be monitored as required in NPDES Permit No. MI0057536 during all future applications of CAFO waste to the field.”
August 15, 2018
Confirmed manure discharge. MDEQ did a site investigation; we are waiting for their final report. Morey Hwy., just north of Beecher Rd., Clayton, MI. Tributary to S. Branch/Raisin River. Downstream of manure application field on Beecher Rd., just west of Morey Hwy., Clayton- MI on 8/9 – 8/14, 2018, which is one potential source.
Photo of stream water at the site.
Sample taken to lab for E. coli analysis, result was 100,100/100mL. For reference, public beaches are closed when E. coli levels reach 130/100mL, and partial body contact is not recommended when levels are above 1,000/100mL. This stream is part of a 2008 E. coli TMDL, which means the maximum E. coli present should be no more than 130/100mL (30-day mean) or 300/100mL (daily). On 8.15.2018, it was more than 300 times the allowable limit of 300/100mL for one day. This is especially dangerous, because this branch of the Raisin is a source of drinking water for Blissfield and Deerfield downstream.
The sample was dark brown/gray in color, opaque, greasy, smelled of manure, and faintly of diesel fuel (sometimes used to prevent foaming in the dump box and for lubrication of the pumping equipment).
- Temperature was 83.2 deg. F
- DO was 2.88 mg/L
- Phosphate >50, then turned dark gray
- Nitrite >3.0
- Nitrate – strip turned brown
- Ammonia > 6.0
Sample collected immediately upstream was relatively clear (some particulates), no smell or visual evidence of manure.