Michigan LCV & Michigan Environmental Council unveil priorities for safe water

Michigan League of Conservation Voters and Michigan Environmental Council released their environmental policy focuses for the next 4 years:

► Expand adoption of nutrient management plans and agricultural best management practices that cost-efficiently reduce nutrient loading into surface water; and ensure adopters are actually implementing their plans.
► Work with Ohio, Indiana, and the U.S. EPA to establish a total maximum daily load (TMDL) with enforceable reductions on agricultural pollution runoff into Michigan’s rivers, lakes, streams and ultimately Lake Erie. Collaborate with Ontario throughout the development of the TMDL.
► Invest in robust water quality monitoring to help further state and regional initiatives.
► Institute an enforceable ban on spreading manure on frozen and/or saturated ground.
► Address gaps in the regulation of large confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), specifically reforming manure management standards and loopholes.
► Prioritize agriculture conservation incentives and initiatives to areas of high nutrient loss potential, or areas that will achieve the most cost-efficient nutrient reductions with the goal of achieving more cost efficient nutrient reductions (current program is first-come, first-served).
► Invest in infrastructure that allows Michigan farmers to diversify crop selection; encourage food hubs and local growers to provide healthy, fresh food to communities; and reduce the need for heavy transport.
► Require drain commissioners to assess and report the density of drain tiling within their jurisdictions.
► Address waste manifesting loopholes in the CAFO general permit.

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