Notes from the Field July 17, 2018

Notes from the Field July 17, 2018

ECCSCM was monitoring the water around CAFO sites and streams impacted by known CAFO waste application fields, Tuesday, July 17, 2017.  We’re still waiting for remainder of the lab results; when we get them we’ll post a summary report.  

Here are a few highlights lowlights.

No. 46 Trib. to Lime Cr. 2 7.17.2018

Tributary to Lime Creek, Ingall Hwy. Bean/Tiffin/Maumee.  Duckweed so thick you can’t see the water underneath, accompanied by algal scum on surface.  Sample was lime-green in color.  E. coli count was 21000/100mL; public beaches are closed for swimming at 130/100mL, partial body contact not recommended when levels are above 1000/100mL.  High orthophosphate and ammonia.

Below is the sample pulled from the Lime Creek tributary above.  It was lime-green.

Samples strips crop of No. 29 7.17.2018





No. 29 Trib. to St. Joseph Cr. crop 7.17.2018Tributary to St. Joseph Creek, Culbert Rd. (Bean/Tiffin/Maumee)  E. coli was 18000/100mL; orthophosphate excessive and ammonia slightly elevated.  Sample was clear with no discoloration.

Stay tuned .  .  .  more to come!



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