The Sights and Smells of Christmas Are Different in CAFO-Land
December 13, 2018
Part of a series of manure applications, exceptionally stinky, east side of Springville Hwy. between Woerner and Rome Rds., Rome Twp. (Raisin)
Moving south, frozen ponded manure application on the southeast corner of Burton Rd. and Springville Hwy., Rome Twp. (Raisin).
More frozen ponded manure, west side of Springville Hwy., between Hoddinott and Forrister Rds. The stenchy area shown in the three pics above covered several square miles.
MSU Enviroimpact map soil temperature at a depth of 4”, below 32 deg. F.
MSU Enviroimpact map showing Winter Runoff Forecast (10 day) = Severe
Continuing south, Bakerlads manure application, southeast corner of Cadmus Rd. and Morey Hwy., Dover Twp. (Raisin). More ponded frozen manure.
MSU Enviroimpact map, soil temperature at 4” depth below 32 deg. F
MSU EnviroImpact map, Winter Runoff Forecast (10 day) – Severe.
Hmm. Doesn’t look like somebody’s using their tools very well.
Especially for our Ohio friends, moving south. Legend Dairy manure application, Seneca Hwy. between Weston and Ridgeville Rds., Seneca Twp. (Bean/Tiffin/Maumee). Stench around the fields in the pictures that follow was close to hell-hole, covering many square miles. Wait, there’s more …
Manure slushie, anyone? This is what happens when manure is applied to frozen or saturated ground that freezes, and then thaws. Poop-slush. Legend Dairy, northeast corner of Seneca Hwy. and Weston Rd., Seneca Twp. (Bean/Tiffin/Maumee)
Thick, slathered, manure. Legend Dairy, south side of Ridgeville Rd. between Seneca and Spencer Hwys., Seneca Twp. (Bean/Tiffin/Maumee)
Legend Dairy (which is not the farm pictured – that is a mile away from this field) manure application, north side of Ridgeville Rd. between Seneca and Spencer Hwys., Seneca Twp. (Bean/Tiffin/Maumee)
MSU Enviroimpact Map, soil temperature at 4” depth ranges from below 32 deg. F to between 38-40 deg. F. The “manure slushie” field above is in the 38-40 deg. zone; all the others were in the lower-temp zones
MSU Enviroimpact Map, Winter Runoff Forecast (10-day) – Severe.