David Panian, The Daily Telegram ADRIAN — State officials last month released a management plan for improving Lake Erie water quality, but environmental groups say the plan is flawed. The adaptive management plan is part of efforts in Michigan, Ohio … Continue Reading…
Tag Archives: Dissolved Phosphorus
The Center for Public Integrity – Jamie Smith Hopkins, Environment Editor and Senior Reporter OREGON, Ohio — It was sunny and 82 degrees, a perfect August day for a trip to the public beach just outside Toledo. But hardly anyone was here. … Continue Reading…
Tom Henry, Toledo Blade The lead attorney in a landmark western Lake Erie case told about 50 people attending a private function Wednesday night she has “real faith and confidence” the ultimate decision rendered by Senior U.S. District Judge James G. … Continue Reading…
NOAA has issued a new bulletin providing updated forecasts of harmful algal blooms (HABs) for the cyanobacteria Microcystis in Lake Erie on July 2, 2018. Keeps pets and yourself out of water in areas where scum is forming. In the event that you … Continue Reading…
News from: ADVOCATES FOR A CLEAN LAKE ERIE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE JULY 11, 2018 CONTACT: Mike Ferner 419-729-7273 ACLE RESPONSE TO GOV. KASICH’S LAKE ERIE EXECUTIVE ORDER Kasich also signed the misnamed “Clean Lake 2020” legislation … Continue Reading…