The Sights and Smells of Christmas Are Different in CAFO-Land December 13, 2018 Part of a series of manure applications, exceptionally stinky, east side of Springville Hwy. between Woerner and Rome Rds., Rome Twp. (Raisin) Moving south, frozen ponded manure … Continue Reading…
Tag Archives: Legend Dairy
The Grinch Comes to Lenawee County Many Grinches, spreading their Christmas manure all over the place. Manure dump box on Schaffner property, ready to go, for liquid manure dragline operation, north side of M-34 just west of Morey Hwy. Hmm, … Continue Reading…
October 31, 2018 Overwhelmed by a deluge Not just rain. Manure. The worst yet, all at once. Confined livestock facilities store their waste in stockpiles, open cesspits (“lagoons”) to which millions of gallons of clean groundwater are added to make … Continue Reading…