Stench Alert for Branch/Hillsdale border – Our house smells so bad…
EMAIL RECEIVED 12:49am - August 16 - (non-verified)
Please advise who I contact regarding the horrific stench we are being forced to deal with on the Branch/Hillsdale Co line from a dairy farmer who claims he’s exempt from the 48 hour rule & refuses to incorporate the manure in. Our house smells so bad we cannot breathe or sleep because of it. We are sweltering in the heat because the windows are shut & still have the stench penetrating the house. I can’t believe he can legally or ethically get away with this.
(Sender name withheld by ECCSCM)
...Stench Alert for Lime Lake – Hudson MI
Stench filled the air Friday evening just north of Lime Lake as White Farms decided it would be good idea to spread CAFO hog waste right before and during the weekend. Not sure the value of spreading CAFO waste on a field that appears to not have a crop planted. Odor level 8 on scale of 10. Lake residents hoping for a south wind or anything other than the north wind of recent.
Also hoping incorporation will take place in the 48hr window as recommended in GAAMPS (General Accepted Agriculture Management Practices)
UPDATE JULY 27, 2020 - Incorporation has taken place.
July 2, 2020
Another beautiful country summer day … except for the stench that can be smelled for miles around.
Get ready, Lake Erie! You were hoping for fireworks? Sorry … you’re getting cowshit instead.
Steady stream of manure tankers leaving Hudson Dairy, headed north.
Another tanker convoy leaving Bleich Dairy. Here’s one application, west side of U.S. 127 just south of the CAFO. Tanker spraying liquid manure on cut hay field. Bean/Tiffin/Maumee watershed.
Another Bleich application, this time a tanker-dumpbox-dragline operation, on the west side of U.S. 127, just north of Addison. Also in the Bean/Tiffin/Maumee watershed.
It’s not just the headwaters of the Maumee and downstream Toledo; the Raisin and the cities of Adrian, Blissfield, Deerfield, Petersburg, Dundee, and all the way to Monroe are getting their fair share of crap, too.
Tanker application of liquid manure covering over 200 acres on the north side of Teachout Road between Gilbert and Pentecost Highways, in the Wolf Creek/South Branch/Raisin watershed. Wolf Creek, which is dammed downstream to become Lake Adrian, a drinking water source for the City of Adrian, cuts right through this field. Waterland/New Flevo. Massive stench from this one, could smell it 3 miles away for days.
...Let’s Go to the Lake! Oh wait . . .
Briskey draglining liquid manure on cut hay field, northwest corner of Posey Lake Highway and Beecher Road, Bean/Tiffin/Maumee watershed. Pee-eew, bottom-of-the-lagoon stench, wind blowing northeast right towards Posey Lake, just before 4th of July weekend.
Moving on to the South Branch of the Raisin watershed west of Adrian, Waterland/New Flevo liquid manure application on cut hay the north side of Forrister Rd. just west of the CAFO, was still godawful stenchy several days after application.
Definitely doesn’t smell like BBQ. But then again, our CAFOs don’t care about their neighbors and fellow Americans, or our nation’s patriotic holidays. For them, it’s all about dumping sewage.